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Improving reading and academic performance one move at a time…
The Movement Program engages students in a research-based 12-week movement program proven to improve reading, academic performance, and English exam results.


Get to Know TMP

The cost of TMP for individuals is just $4 per session, with total program cost equivalent to the cost of 5 tutoring sessions*. TMP costs significantly less per student in schools.
*Compared to $56 per hour Sylvan Learning Center.

Easy, fast, and fun, TMP fits easily into any home or school schedule.

Research has shown that reading improvements are double that of regular classroom instruction alone.
“The Leigh Academies Trust has spent many years researching the effect of coordinated movement programmes that we know make a very significant improvement in reading and also the ability to concentrate. As CEO, I helped to drive the programme and was convinced of its efficacy for all children, especially those aged between 8 and 13. I am delighted to offer my support in bringing this to a wider audience.”
Frank Green CBE
Chief Executive Officer
Leigh Academies Trust, Dartford
National Schools Commissioner (2014-2016)
“Results have been very positive showing improvements, particularly in literacy skills, auditory and visual processing, concentration and memory, and also having long-term effects on examination success…”
Anne Davis
Longfield Academy, Kent
“We’ve now been delivering The Movement Program for four years, and feel very committed to it. It is very exciting to see students’ focus, and witness the impressive progress that students of all abilities make in their reading ages. Along with other reading initiatives in school, it is probably the biggest marker of students’ future success.”
Clare Bradford
Henbury School, Bristol
Want to See More?
Take a look at Week 1, Day 1 of The Movement Program to see the wide range of developmental areas covered. Every few days the program changes to steadily build skills and development across the 12 weeks.